The Oakland County Amateur Radio Society (OCARS) was founded in 1937. See History Tab above for an interesting slide presentation prepared by Joe Miller (KJ8O), former president. It may interest you to know that the club’s callsign W8TNO once belonged to one of our founding members, Leon See.

OCARS holds meetings on the first Tuesday of every month (excluding July and August), beginning at 7:30 pm at Bethany Church 1375 Hiller Road, Waterford. Doors open at 7:00 pm. You do not need to be a member to attend our meetings. Everyone is welcome.

Map to our meeting place:



Calendar of Events

Weekly 2 meter Net

Please join us on the Clarkston Repeater (W8JWB) for our weekly 2 meter net, each Monday at 7:30 pm (local time). Chris KD4LJT is our net control operator.

W8JWB: 146.84000, PL Tone: 100 Hz, or via Echolink node W8JWB-R